Who doesn’t need a red framed chalkboard? I can’t believe how great this turned out. This was sitting broken in a box labeled free at a garage sale. I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, but I knew I would love it!
Here it is before. I hated the fat chef pictures.
Remember this $5 frame I got a few weeks ago. Well I finally painted it and put a new picture in it.
What do you think? I had a beach photo enlarged at Wal-Mart.
The two smaller pictures are from home goods. Ignore the ugly couch, as soon as I hit the lotto it’s gone.
I haven’t started my curtains yet but I hope to do them today.

Really really cute!! Janet your blog is so cute! I love your rag wreath too :)
how fun - I love how you made your chalkboard look so fun!
Now that is a great way to banish the fat chefs!! I love it. And, how did I not see your kitchen before today? I love it!!
Found your blog through links! Love your blog!
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Who would put that in the Free box? You are quite the lucky duck!
If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround :)
Hi there! I am your newest follower!!! I found you on the Sunday linky!! I love finding new blogs and your is lovely:)
You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com
Really cute
I love what you did with the chalkboard! I hope to do something similar in our kitchen once the renovations are done.
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