Jul 25, 2010

Kitchen New Paint & Accessories

Kitchen 001

I painted my blue walls Tapestry Beige by Benjamin Moore.  When we finished the kitchen in February I posted it on HGTV’s rate my space and everyone said the top of my cabinets looked bare so I have slowly been accessorizing them.  I am thinking they look cluttered and may group the items together.  A lot of comments said I need to put my coffee maker and toaster away but we use them everyday.  The candy jar could probably go but my son may protest.

Kitchen 012

 I love this sink! You can’t even tell that there are dishes in it.  My husband did the backsplash and installed the sink and faucet. 

Kitchen 007

I  got the Groceries sign at Hobby Lobby and the dish towels at Home Goods.

Kitchen 003

We found these chandelier shades at a local thrift store.  Which is an amazing place with awesome stuff. 

Kitchen 035

You can read at my breadbox makeover here.  I found the blue canisters at a local antique mall. 

Kitchen 038

I got this cute sign at Home Goods.

Kitchen 022

Kitchen 023

The apothecary jars are from Home Goods.  I almost paid an crazy amount on eBay.  Whew these were under $10 each.  The Rooster is from Goodwill.  I love bargain shopping.

I am not going to tell my husband but I have been thinking about changing my upper cabinets to white.  He for sure will  kill divorce me.  Plus I don’t know if we can survive painting cabinets again.  We both have ADD and do not have enough discipline to finish projects before starting new ones.  It really is pathetic.  When we were renters we could have never imagined all we would do. 

Please let me know what you think.  I love comments and take all into consideration.



Janet - Birdland Treasures said...

Hi Janet, another Janet here! I think the whole kitchen just looks great - uncluttered, highly functional, and LOTS of personality!

Tracy said...

I love your kitchen. I have my bottom cabinets painted black and it is nice to see the top done and the beadboard. That is EXACTLY what I want to do ... now I can show hubby so he doesn't just have to take my word for it. LOVELY!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

I love your kitchen too! I love the black and white combo..it's so clean and refreshing to look at. Enjoy your space! (love the chandelier too! what a great find!)

Janet said...

Tracy thank you! I would love to see your cabinets. Do you have a blog?

If you do beadboard you will need to paint a least 2-3 coats of paint for waterproofing and seal the bottom heavily with caulk.

Somewhere on my blog is a comment from a fellow beadboard backsplasher and she advised me.

Robyn said...

I'm in LOVE with this..so GORGEOUS!!! I am coveting your SINK! ...sigh! I have a painted black kitchen as well, we have NOT regretted it at all! If you put kitchen in my blog search engine you can see mine as well.

Connie said...

Really nice kitchen. Let me suggest a website that you may be interested in taking a look. It is accentsofsalado.com They sell a Tuscan look and offer a section on decorating your cabinet tops. I got some great ideas there.

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Janet, Janet! I don't even know where to start - I love the whole amazing kitchen! That sink is to die for! And all your details - ones you've created, redone and found are amazing as well. You did a fantastic job! Ooh - love the beadboard too! :)

Bonnie @ House of Grace said...

WOW!!! Your kitchen is amazing! I love it all especially your sink. So cute! Thanks for following, I am following you back.
Bonnie :)

KimMalk said...

What a difference from the "before" photos. I think your instincts are correct for clustering your accessories. Maybe a bit more color--even a couple of things in your blue accent, but a bit richer tone. You're on your way!

M.J. said...

Your kitchen looks awesome and I love the black cabinets! You can never put the coffee pot away! I tried that once and I got so stinkin tired of pulling it out. I finally did treat myself to a Keurig with some Christmas money last year and I'm so spoiled now! I find I like it out better because I made a special little coffee area for it. I struggle with the kitchen counter clutter really bad, but I need everything out so I have access. OK, I'm rambling on, I too am very ADD...oh yes I have an accounting degree too!

Andrea said...

I like the dark cabinets, although I'm also a fan of white kitchens. I think crown molding on the top of your cabinets would really finish it off. I did a post about my kitchen and show a pic of pre-crown and after, and WHAT a difference!! The bigger the crown, the better, in my opinion =P
I put away my toaster each day, but I do leave out the coffee maker. I think the bottom line is your design needs to fit with your lifestyle!

Jen said...

Love the cabinets!
Your kitchen looks great!
I'm gonna start our kitchen makeover in january & I think I'm gonna do dark gray on bottom & white on top!
Thanks for stopping by!
Im a new follower!

Chasey said...

Great job! My cabinets are high on my to do list!!

Jen said...

Hi Janet!
Maybe you call the "pickers" and tell'em where to go! Might score a pic with them!
I have seen tlc's kitchen..its gorgeous! I originally wanted all black..then black on bottom & white on top..now I'm the grey/white..had to compromise with the hubby!

Lauren -HCP said...

It looks gorgeous. I am so jealous! and I love the beadboard. unfortunately my kitchen is too "new" so my husband won't let me paint our ugly oak cabinets (prev owners choice). Lucky you!

Julie~ My Bella Home said...

Hi Janet, Great job on your kitchen! You are right on about clustering or grouping your decor on the upper cabinets. I would recommend odd numbers for groups in varied sizes, let one piece really stand out. Keep it functional and fun!

Anonymous said...

It was such a good article and so much related to our directory.
Kitchen accessories