Jul 25, 2010

Kitchen New Paint & Accessories

Kitchen 001

I painted my blue walls Tapestry Beige by Benjamin Moore.  When we finished the kitchen in February I posted it on HGTV’s rate my space and everyone said the top of my cabinets looked bare so I have slowly been accessorizing them.  I am thinking they look cluttered and may group the items together.  A lot of comments said I need to put my coffee maker and toaster away but we use them everyday.  The candy jar could probably go but my son may protest.

Kitchen 012

 I love this sink! You can’t even tell that there are dishes in it.  My husband did the backsplash and installed the sink and faucet. 

Kitchen 007

I  got the Groceries sign at Hobby Lobby and the dish towels at Home Goods.

Kitchen 003

We found these chandelier shades at a local thrift store.  Which is an amazing place with awesome stuff. 

Kitchen 035

You can read at my breadbox makeover here.  I found the blue canisters at a local antique mall. 

Kitchen 038

I got this cute sign at Home Goods.

Kitchen 022

Kitchen 023

The apothecary jars are from Home Goods.  I almost paid an crazy amount on eBay.  Whew these were under $10 each.  The Rooster is from Goodwill.  I love bargain shopping.

I am not going to tell my husband but I have been thinking about changing my upper cabinets to white.  He for sure will  kill divorce me.  Plus I don’t know if we can survive painting cabinets again.  We both have ADD and do not have enough discipline to finish projects before starting new ones.  It really is pathetic.  When we were renters we could have never imagined all we would do. 

Please let me know what you think.  I love comments and take all into consideration.


Jul 18, 2010

Master Bathroom Makeover

We have a very small master bathroom.  Split level homes are not known for having large bedrooms or bathrooms.  It was sunshine yellow when we moved in.

Yellow BathroomWe took down the wall mirror and put up a white mirrored medicine chest.  We needed the storage badly in this small bath.


We tried painting it sea foam green and it was still not what we wanted.  I wanted a slight coastal feel.  Than I decided to try gray.  I painted the builder grade cabinet dark gray and the walls light gray.  The gray had purple tones and looked funny from the brown master bedroom. My husband tiled the floors with a pretty gray tile.  Excuse the Mess in the during picture.

American Walnut & Rosewood Stain 298

By this time my husband was telling me to just leave it and live with it.  I am too stubborn to live with something I don’t love.  We’re trying to sell the house too which is crazy that I painted it another time. 

This time I painted the walls Benjamin Moore Seapearl and I painted the vanity Fieldstone by Benjamin Moore.  We put bead board on the long wall opposite the vanity.  I put four hooks for hanging towels. 


Master Bath Vanity Benjamin Moore Fieldstone

Master Bath White Beadboard Benjamin Moore Seapearl (4)

Master Bath Vanity Benjamin Moore Fieldstone (2)

Master Bath White Beadboard Benjamin Moore Seapearl (2)

Bathroom Benjamin Moore Fieldstone 005

Bathroom Benjamin Moore Fieldstone 004 

I filled this small basket with washcloths. 

Master Bath Towel Basket

For the toothbrush holder I got a small hurricane candle holder for $1 at Wal-Mart and put some decorative rocks in it.  I love milk glass and found this great soap dispenser at Home Goods. 

Master Bath Gravel Toothbrush Holder    

I want to put a small picture in there and change the blinds to curtains.  But at last I finally LOVE IT!  It sure took me a long time to get here.  

Decor Mamma

Jul 5, 2010

Here’s how most of my projects go……

IMG_3379 This rooster was wood colored with little country flowers all over it. It was too country for my taste. I sprayed it blue but it didn’t look good in the kitchen, so I sprayed it white. Up it went on top of the kitchen cabinets.

It seems to be third times a charm for all my projects.


This is the case with my Kitchen. I painted it blue and hated it. So we painted it Tapestry Beige from Benjamin Moore and now I love it. I will be revealing it shortly. Here’s a peek in the meantime. You can see the blue showing just over the black cabinet in the kitchen.



My master bath was this bright sunshine yellow when we moved in. We painted it a seafoam blue last year, took down the wall mirror and put a white mirrored cabinet. I never loved it so I repainted the walls gray, the vanity dark gray, and tiled the floor. I don’t like how it turned out so it will be redone this week. I will be showing the before, after #2 and after #3 in the next week or so. This room is my nemesis, and may never be liked by me. I am hoping 4th times the charm.

Here’s my last case in point of my design in my head not working out in reality. I have wanted a blue door for the longest time but my maroon shutters would have clashed badly. I didn’t want black shutters because almost every house on my street has them. So we painted the shutters blue to match the door. I HATE IT! So the shutters will come down and be painted black.


We are completely finishing this house this week. My realtor is coming on Wednesday. I will be posting regularly again. Thanks for all the kind words everyone has sent me.