
Oct 27, 2010

The Master Bedroom Part 1

When we moved in this room was hunter green with white trim.  It is a very small bedroom at about 10 x 13.  This is the big downfall with split level homes, they all have small bedrooms.  We have a family room and a living room and that was a huge selling feature for us, so we sacrificed bedroom size.  Obviously the people before us had a thing for outlets.

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A lot has happened in this room since then.  We never had a bed  frame, our furniture was refinished in a pecan stain, and we had an ugly blonde nightstand.  We put up board and batten and bought a sleigh bed.  You can read about that here.

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Last fall we ripped up all the upstairs floors and put utility oak hardwoods down from Lumber Liquidators.  We opted not to stain them and just polyurethane them.  This may change in the future, but I will hire someone to do it.  My marriage will not survive anymore diy floor installations.  You can read about the floors here.

House Makeover 023 House Makeover 026

I stained the furniture American Walnut & Rosewood to try to match the bed but in certain lights it looked very red and light. 

American Walnut & Rosewood Stain 295

We put this dresser in my husbands closet.  The furniture felt too dark for the room so we opted to paint it.  The furniture is done and was inspired by one of my favorite stores.  I will go into all the details in my next post.

This week we painted our ugly brass ceiling fan.  To save money we used oil rubbed bronze on the brass parts, painted the blades black and replaced the glass.

This was $40 to do.  We had everything but the new globes, which we bought at Lowes.


 House Makeover 023



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We just have to touch up some paint, put up some art, and finalize our knick knacks.

Next post I promise to show the furniture and reveal the inspiration store.


Linking to these parties:
Beyond The Picket Fence giveaways IhookedupwithHoHlamespice


  1. It turned out really beautiful! I love the color combo (:

  2. Your fan turned out gorgeous!!! Now I'll think twice about passing up a fan at a garage sale. Stunning!

  3. Wow, that looks great! I love ceiling fans.

  4. Your ceiling fan looks great and I'm really loving your board and batten (sp?)

  5. Wow - what a beautiful transformation! I LOVE how it came together! LOL at all of those outlets! The fan is gorgeous! I love making things you already have pretty! Great job! ;)

    Have a great upcoming weekend!


  6. Gorgeous! I I love how the floor and the walls came out. It looks so relaxing!

  7. Wow, I love it--what a tranformation! Thanks for linking up!
